Credit card balances sometimes seem to take on a life of their own.

If you�ve wondered how a habit of paying only the minimum due each month affects you, check out this calculator. Or use the calculator to help you determine how much better off you�d be with a lower-rate credit card from the credit union.

Current balance $
Future monthly charges $
Future monthly payments $
Goal: Months until payoff
Annual fee $
Annual rate

If you want to pay off your balance of $ in months,
stop making charges to your card and make a monthly payment of
 $. (If you continue to make charges, notice the effect on your calculations—and on your budget!)

Otherwise, at your current payment of $,
you will pay off your balance in   months.

This calculator is solely for informational purposes and provides reasonably accurate results; the calculations are not intended to be relied upon as actual credit payment computations.

© 2000 Credit Union National Association Inc.